Types Of Dentures Available

Learn more about dentures and which one is best suited to your smile needs.

While tooth loss isn’t something that anyone ever expects to deal with, millions of Americans are missing at least one permanent tooth. Fortunately, we live in a very technologically advanced world where dental treatments can provide you with tooth replacements. Many people have turned to our Ypsilanti, MI, dentist Dr. David Schmidt for dentures. Here are the different types of dentures to consider.

Complete dentures

Also referred to as full dentures, this oral prosthetic is designed to replace the upper and lower teeth. This is the best option when you are missing all of your natural teeth. Complete dentures are custom-made to fit directly on top of the gums, where saliva helps to suction them into place by creating a seal.

Partial dentures

Partial dentures are used when you are dealing with tooth loss but still have some healthy teeth remaining. This dental restoration may either be fixed in place or removable, depending on the health of your neighboring teeth. After all, fixed partial dentures will need to rely on natural teeth for support, which means that your natural teeth will need to be healthy enough to stabilize your dentures. If not, partial dentures may require clasps or attachments to hold them in place.

Immediate dentures

If our Ypsilanti, MI, general dentist has just performed a tooth extraction then immediate dentures may be given to you so that you still have teeth while your gums fully heal. Immediate dentures ensure that you never have to go without teeth following your extraction. Of course, this type of denture isn’t meant to be permanent. After your gums have fully healed you will come back in so that we can take molds of your mouth to create permanent and custom-fitted dentures.

Implant-supported dentures

If you have a healthy jawbone that is capable of supporting dental implants then you may be able to use implants to hold your dentures in place rather than relying on suction or neighboring teeth. If you are a current denture wearer who isn’t happy with how your dentures move or shift around in your mouth while speaking or eating, implants can provide a stable foundation from which to hold your false teeth in place.

Mini-implant dentures

As the name suggests, this system uses smaller implants to support your dentures. The benefit is that the implants are surgically placed in a less invasive manner, which reduces your healing period substantially. In some scenarios, we may even be able to attach dentures the same day as the implants are placed, which allows you to restore your smile much faster than with traditional implants.

If you are dealing with tooth loss, and you are looking to replace your missing teeth now, then it’s the perfect time to schedule a no-risk consultation with our Ypsilanti, MI, restorative dentist Dr. Schmidt to learn more about dentures. Call us at (734) 485-2200 to learn more.

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